Friday 20 April 2007

Obatala - brother of Oduduwa

Orishas, he's a Creator God who didn't get a chance to create.
He was issued with the task of building the Earth by Sky God Olorun, who gave him blueprints, a handful of mud, a chain, a five-toed chicken, and detailed instructions. Unfortunately, on his way to perform this important task, Obatala accidentally gatecrashes a God party and spent the rest of the evening roaring drunk on palm wine. Seeing the chance for fame and glory, his younger brother pinched the holy building materials and attempted to jerry-build the Earth himself. Advised by a friendly chameleon, he lowered the chain over the edge of heaven, climbed down, and tossed the lump of mud into the primeval sea. The chicken hopped onto the mud and began scratching it in all directions. Pretty soon there was a decent size landscape and thus was the Earth born. Olorun was so pleased with Oduduwa that he promoted him to God of the Earth, while the disgraced and boozy Obatala was put to work making mankind as punishment. If you ever wondered why humans aren't quite as perfect as they should be, here's the answer: he was drunk at the time. So now you know! Obatala eventually learned the error of his ways and became the Great White God of mankind, specialising in white wine, laundry and refrigerators. He's also God of the North, although in what capacity (Pole? Wind? Star?) is yet to be ascertained.

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